Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dallas Produced a Saint

So, story time.

Late one night, before I left for college, I was driving home to the little town of Howe (aka where dreams go to die) from the bustling metropolis of Dallas.  I forget what I was doing in the Dallas area, or even where I was coming from, but I do remember that I was listening to 102.1 the EDGE, driving through Allen, almost in McKinney (yes, there will be a quiz following this post).  I normally don't really like that station, but, as I remember, nothing else was on but talk radio.  Yes, it was late at night.  So late, apparently, that the dj decided it was time to have a little fun and play something... unexpected.  A local girl who went by the stage name of St Vincent.  This was the first song I heard by her:

And I was hooked.

Meet Annie Clark, or, as the world knows her by (the few who know her at all, at least)- St Vincent. 

Look into my eyes!
She was born in Tulsa Oklahoma, attended high school in Dallas (Lake Highlands High School, to be exact), attended the Berklee College of Music (before dropping out three years in), and currently lives in Manhatten.  Before releasing any solo work, she was a member of The Polyphonic Spree (who I admit I am not familiar).

But none of that really matters.  What matters is her music, and I can only find one way to describe it.


Her lyrics are engaging and emotional.  Her voice contains a raw power and is thick with emotion, even when she sings in her trademark monotone.  For example, check out the chorus to her song Marrow-

She doesn't even change notes in the chorus (H-E-L-P Help me, Help me), but it's full of a desperation that, I must admit, I could never pull off while singing.

The greatest thing about her music, in my opinion, is her masterful use of instrumentation.  The fact that she studied music is obvious, regardless of whether she finished the program or not.  The music has a distinct feeling of not matching while it harmonizes beautifully.  You have apocalyptic guitars mixed with somewhat humorous sounds made with... a synthesizer?  A horn?  I don't know, and, to be honest, I don't really care.  All I know is she is a master of that instrument, whatever it is.

Yes her songs are unusual.  They refuse to fit in any one genre of music.  The only thing I can say is that I hope she keeps making it!

In closing, I leave you with my favorite song by her (set to a disney video!).  Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. My mom went to Lake Highlands, and my cousin works there now. Small world. She does have a very different sound, yet kept my attention for the duration of the song, which is saying something! Great post..i wish my blog had the coolness that yours has! haha
